Deana Clapper
Deana joined Tennessee Donor Services in 2002, initially as an Organ Recovery Coordinator, and was then promoted into leadership as Clinical Team Leader. In 2008, tissue recovery operations were added to the organization, providing Deana the opportunity to assist in the restructuring of the Quality program. As the Director of Quality, she gained knowledge and an appreciation for quality standards that continues to guide her decision-making.
She then became the Senior Director of Clinical Services and directed the organ operations within TDS. Under her leadership in that role, TDS experienced a 22% growth in organ donors and 31% growth in organs transplanted. Deana was responsible for strategic planning, budget development, and guidance with the help of four managers with a team of over 40 individuals, including organ recovery, family care, and perfusion coordinators.
Deana was recently named Associate Executive Director of TDS. In that position, her oversight will expand to all areas of the TDS donor program.
Deana earned a Bachelor’s of Science in Nursing from Lipscomb University and a Master’s of Science in Nursing from Vanderbilt University. She was introduced to the organ donation process while working as an Acute Care Nurse Practitioner for the Department of Trauma Surgical Services at Vanderbilt Medical Center. She has been an active member of multiple AOPO committees and councils over the years and looks forward to continuing her involvement throughout the industry.